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Artist Submissions


Monday, 7 March 2011

Every Monday we will send out a mini-quiz spotlighting one of our fabulous artists at MPT.  Correctly answer the questions and send them in before the deadline and you will be entered in to a draw to win 1 tube from our featured artist.  Make sure you read the questions carefully, and the answers will come from ONLY those images that are found in the Artist section (meaning tubes located in other areas, such as Sale, Holidays, etc. aren't included in the contest).

Here are the rules, please follow these rules because if you don't your entry will not count 
- I mean it this time, lol:

1.  Email  your answers to:    Karen at  - DO NOT SEND THEM IN THROUGH THE GROUP!
2.  Entries must be sent in and timestamped prior to 
Monday, March 7, 9:00 pm EST

3.  Subject line must read:   Mystery Monday Quiz

Easy enough isn't it!

So let's get started!!!!!

Today's Quiz features Robert Alvarado

1.  Unscramble this and provide the correct # and name of the tube --- 1S6P91P7
2.  How many tubes have a nautical theme?  Provide the name & # of each tube.
3.  Give me the names & tube #s of all the tubes with blue hair?
4. Unscramble this word and tell me the tube name & # that has this item in it:  lmerluab
5.  Visit this link, unscramble the image and tell me the name and # of the tube:

Good Luck Everyone!!!
All correct entries go in to a random draw - with one winner being awarded a tube from Robert Alvarado


About Me

My PSP Tubes
A subsidiary of Sticker Chick (the leading pinup products company with distributors all around the world), My PSP Tubes is the best source for high quality artwork for personal use in digital format – personal web design, signature tagging, and more. We offer a wide variety of art genres to cover all of your creative needs, as well as digital scrapbooking kits, MySpace comments and free tubes. My PSP Tubes (or MPT), in partnership with Corel Corporation, is home to many of the world’s leading artists including Carlos Cartagena, Tyson McAdoo, Sonia Roji, Armando Huerta, Robert Alvarado, Scott Blair and many many others. We offer artists a professional working atmosphere and safeguard their artwork from theft with our highly trained copyright violations department. Customers receive courteous and helpful responses for every issue, big or small, in an efficient and timely manner. At My PSP Tubes, professionalism and respect is our top priority, for both the artist and the customer. If you are an artist interested in joining My PSP Tubes, please contact the company’s manager Kylara Mainville at
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